Keith R. Brinkman serving with Mercy Ships. This is another way for me to communicate with you all what is happening. I hope you enjoy seeing the photos and entries.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Caribbean Mercy Crew Reunion

CBM Reunion Photo
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman
Photo of a reunion of the former Caribbean Mercy crew - long and short term who are now serving on the m/v Africa Mercy. Eric T and Joyce S arrived just after we took this photo. We enjoyed fellowship together on the deck of the m/v Anastasis while she was still here in Liberia.

1 comment:

kathia montes said...

Que lindas fotos,

Mi corazon esta lleno de alegria al ver tan buenos amigos felices.

Por favor saludame a todos de mi parte.

los extrano mucho
Kathia Montes
Costa Rica