Keith R. Brinkman serving with Mercy Ships. This is another way for me to communicate with you all what is happening. I hope you enjoy seeing the photos and entries.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cabin First Look

Cabin First Look
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.
Today I was able to visit the space that will be my new home on the Africa Mercy. Cabin #4236 Most of the furniture is installed, carpeting is down, only awaiting lighting and bedding. My cabin is on deck #4 at the back (aft) on the left hand side (port side). I am one deck above the hospital and one below from the main deck. I took this picture today at my first opportunity to see inside. I spent some time praying over and in the cabin. We do not know when we will be able to move on board, they have to finish the shipyard renovations, but it was good to see for myself.


Kristy said...

Keith -

Kristy Hansen (now Brungardt) here! Hello! I found a link to your website via David and Lara's and couldn't resist a hello to an old friend!

Praying all the best for you in your new adventures with God onboard the Africa Mercy.

In Him,


Kristy said...

P.S. I've got my own website that I try to keep up-to date. I've also got some of my wedding pictures on it. Check it out sometime, would love hearing from you.


Tyrone said...

Keith, I had no idea you had moved on to the AFM. Last I heard you were still at the IOC. What will your new roll be on the AFM?

I don't wan't to frighten you or give cause for rumors...but you may find my name back in the system come the end of summer.

But then again, maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself...

Glad you are doing good.